Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day 8 - Christmas Day

Christmas day was a busy day for us. Betty led the singspiration in the beginning of the special worship service. Victor read the scripture for the candle lighting, and Elder Mei lite the candle. Jethro? He sat at the piano all throughout the worship service. Not only did he play the accompaniment for the singspiration, but he also had to play for the different presentations by the different small groups during the whole Christmas program. Toward the end of the program, the STM team presented a hymn and after that, Victor gave his personal testimony.

We were all moved by the program presented by the youth group. I heard that they had rehearsed for three months. You will get to see the program when we've returned because it's on videotape.
After the Christmas program, there was a potluck dinner. During the dinner, the STM team members had opportunities to chat with different people. Praise the Lord, we are sure that seeds had been sown. We'll share with you more on the lives of the people here when we come back.

Finally, praise the Lord that two youth group members gave their lives to Jesus yesterday. They are sisters, whom Lorraine, Emily Chow, and I visited at their home last year. They have been attending church regularly but had only decided to open their hearts to accept Christ yesterday. Praise the Lord! Lorraine was the one who talked to them and led them to say the sinner's prayer. Please continue to pray for their spiritual growth.
Wish you all a blessed Christmas!

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