Saturday, December 13, 2008

Why I participate in This Short Term Missions Trip

Growing up in a small town with a good environment has always been a blessing for me. I am very thankful that God has given me a great family and a comfortable home. All throughout life, I feel as though God has provided me so much and it is only my duty to give back. Since I grew up in a Christian family, I was lucky to have found Christ at an early age. I became a born again Christian through a lot of guidance and encouragement. Many people are not as lucky as me and may have never heard of Jesus, our savior. As a child of God, I want to become his tool to reach out to others and spread the gospel. I believe that going to Madrid will open my eyes to a different world and allow me to mature as a Christian. Sure, there are many obstacles that may bring doubt and prevent me from going, but I truly believe, with great faith, that God will open a clear path for me and guide me on this trip.

Emily Chow

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