Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Day 15 - Last Visitation

We were treated to a buffet lunch this afternoon by the Chu family who owns a wholesale business in Madrid. Lunch was from 2:30-4:30pm. This evening, again the pastors went to visit two families; Lorraine took me and Emily to visit another family.

Our team came home between 10:30-11:00pm, and the pastors' team came home after 11pm. That's how late we had supper this evening.
Anyhow, this evening completed our official tasks in Madrid. Tomorrow is a free day for us to visit the city center. This STM trip has definitely been a learning experience and an eye-opener for all of us. We can't wait to come home and share what we've done and experienced with you all. I hope you all are ready to hear what we have to share.

Thank you all for your prayer support. Happy New Year! See you Friday, if not sooner.

Betty Mei

Monday, December 29, 2008

Pictures Updates 5

12-28 youth group meeting. Do you see someone you know besides Emily?

12-28 having fun in youth group

Betty singing a solo during Sunday workship

12-28 Preaching

12-28 Becky sharing at the fellowship group

12-28 Group picture after fellowship
12-28 Treated to a nice dinner after services

Day 13 & 14 - Sunday Worship & more Visitations

We're almost done with our mission now. Yesterday afternoon again I led the Sunday worship. Since it was last group meeting with the Madrid church, Becky and I both shared our personal testimonies at the service. I also sang a couple of solos before and after the sermon. After the service, we were supposed to meet with the 'single adults' group. However, because of the topic on husband's roles in the home, many couples also stayed. The meeting went very well, although the speakers - our pastor, Becky and I - were not prepared. A single person came up with the topic on Saturday evening during his conversation with our pastor. Becky and I only found out about the topic during the worship service when Pastor Young made the announcement. We were impromptu speakers! 'Li bu li hai?' 厲不厲害 :-)

The fellowship meeting ended at 9pm. But then we stayed around to chat, and say goodbyes to different people. By the time we were ready to leave the church for the restaurant, it was 10pm. We were treated to a nice dinner by a sister from church. Dinner almost lasted two hours. We left the place close to midnight.

Today, we have more visitations to do. Will give you one last update this evening or tomorrow morning. Please pray for our safe return and that the flights will be on time and everything. I think we all want to be home to see the 'ball' drop on New Year's Eve.

Betty Mei

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pictures Updates 4

At the Chu's warehouse
Audience participation during workshop II

Conducting workshop II on Family

Visitation at a Taiwanese lady's home

Emily with a few youth group members after Christmas program

Christmas Day

Witnessing to two nonbelievers
Emily playing piano solo

Day 12 & 13 - Last Saturday & Sunday in Madrid

We stayed home for the first half of the day because we didn't have any church activities until the afternoon. The pastors met with the men's group at 3pm and my workshop was from 5:30-7:30pm. The meetings went well. It was my first time conducting a workshop on Raising Godly Children and it lasted longer than I had anticipated; it lasted about two hours. But I still ended on time at 7:30. The feedback was very positive.

Today, Sunday, the 28th, will be our last group meeting with the church. I'm going to lead the hymn singing again and share my testimony. Becky will share her testimony also before our pastor gives the sermon. I'll also sing a couple of solos before and after the sermon. After worship, we're going to meet with the single adults' group.

We only have two more days left in Madrid. Tomorrow I think they're trying to see if they can get their haircuts and we may visit the city some more. Tomorrow evening, the Chu family who had moved from Panama and own a wholesale business here will treat us dinner. Looking forward to it. Also looking forward to coming home to our families and sharing our trip with all of you!

Betty Mei

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Day 11 & 12 - Days After Christmas

We split up into three teams to do our visitations. The two pastors were one team; Lorraine took Becky;and a Cantonese-speaker from church took me to visit two other Cantonese-speaking ladies. Then we met up in the evening at Ah Keung's house for supper. Again supper was late. We didn't start until 9:30pm. We left at about 11pm. We got home close to midnight. Because the night before I only got to sleep a few hours, I was very tired last night when I came home. I went to bed right away. Becky and Lorraine visited a family who own wholesale business. The warehouse was very big and freezing cold; Becky didn't feel good last night because of the long hours there. She didn't say very much last night at supper and looked extremely tired.

Good news from the pastors' team. They visited the Ye family who owns a store. The father and mother are believers. Their son and niece accepted Christ during the pastor's visit. Praise the Lord!

I got to witness to two Cantonese-speaking ladies: one from Hong Kong who's not working outside of the home currently, and the other from Shen Zen; she and her husband own a photo shop. They are both non-believers. The one from Hong Kong was baptized because she went to a christian school and so she would tell people she was christian. But she really isn't a believer. I'm glad I shared my own testimony with her; and after that, she realized she wasn't a believer. I shared the gospel with her and encouraged her to continue to attend church and participate, especially since she doesn't have a job right now. She has plenty of time to learn about God.

This afternoon (Saturday, Dec. 27) I'm conducting a second workshop on Family, specifically Raising Godly Children. Praise God that within a few days, He impressed upon my heart things to share and I've completed a powerpoint presentation, which I'll use this afternoon. Pray that the workshop will be beneficial to those who will attend.

Betty Mei

Pictures Updates 3

Sarah and Abigail Young at the mall

Visitation with Ah Niu

Youth group presentation at Christmas program

Day 9 & 10 - Christmas

Dec. 24 was a relatively quiet day for us. Rev. Young needed a haircut and so he was going to take our pastor, Becky and Emily for their haircuts too. So they didn't plan for us to do any visitation yesterday. Since there was no 'work' planned, I took the opportunity to go to visit the nearby mall with Emily and the Young's girls since I'd never been to a mall here in Spain. It took us about 10-15 minutes to walk to the mall. We only spent about an hour there because Emily needed to get back and go with the rest of the crew for their haircuts; and I really only wanted to see what malls are like in Spain. Didn't spend anything! Seriously!

It ended up they didn't get their haircuts because the place was too busy. The hairdresser did not have time to do four more before they closed their shop in the afternoon. Remember yesterday was the 24th, most shops close in the afternoon to get ready for Christmas. So then Emily was dropped off at church to practice piano because she was going to play a piano solo at the Christmas program. Pastor Young had to do some Chinese grocery shopping, so he dropped off Becky and our pastor to visit a store owner from Shanghai who is not a believer. I've attached a picture of our last visit with the same person 'Ah Niu.' I stayed home in the afternoon to prepare for my Saturday workshop. I also took a break and went with Lorraine to do some grocery shopping at the supermarket because all stores would be closed on Christmas Day. She wanted to make sure we had enough food in the apt. Again, it was my first time shopping at a supermarket in Madrid.

Today, Christmas Day, was a fun day for us. The Christmas program began at 4pm at church. There were a lot of programs performed by the different fellowship groups. Emily was our representative to perform a piano solo. Our pastor gave a short message to conclude the program. After the program, there was a potluck dinner. We also got to talk to different brothers and sisters at dinner and afterwards. Praise the Lord for using us. Brothers and sisters here are very receptive and welcoming to STM teams.

Betty Mei

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Pictures Updates 2

Emily meeting with youth group

Family workshop

Pastor Cheng meeting with men's group

Betty leading Sunday worship

Pastor Young at church

Pastor Cheng preaching

Becky distributing flyers at Plaza de Espana

Betty inviting people to the Christmas program at Plaza de Espana

Paella - famous Spanish dish

Roman Architecture in Segovia

Sightseeing at Segovia 12-23

Day 8 - Day of 'Play'

Tuesday, 12/23. Today is our day of 'play.' The Young's and a brother from church took two cars and took us to Segovia, which is about an hour from Madrid. Actually, our return trip took us two hours and fifteen minutes because when we got back into the city, we were in heavy traffic. It was the hours when people were getting off from work. Segovia is an old town full of history and it's a definitely a tourist site. We had really good weather today for sightseeing and had a lot of fun being 'tourists' for the first time since we got here. It was very tiring walking almost all day; but we got to see some of the Spanish history and taste Spanish food for lunch. We came back to the apt. about 9pm. The pastors were dropped off on the way home at the supermarket to get breakfast for tomorrow. With eight people in the same apt., food is gone fast.

Supper is being prepared right now even as I'm speaking to you. It looks like we're going to have dinner at 10pm again. That's common lifestyle in Spain. We'll definitely share more of this when we've returned to you.

Overall, today was very relaxing; and I'm sure everyone of us enjoyed the day.

Betty Mei

Day 6 & 7 - Busy, Busy, Busy

Again we came home around midnight. But yesterday because I had to lead the worship service, and after the service, we stood around and talked to different people at church, both Becky and I came home with sore backs and feet. We thought we would be done with church and supper by 9pm, and should be able to return to the apt. earlier than usual. But no. We didn't leave the church until 9pm; and then went to a restaurant near the church (again we had to walk) and had supper. By the time we got back to the apt., I was ready to hit the bed.

Emily led another youth meeting yesterday before the adult service. I helped her to lead the singing because she played the keyboard. All the meetings went well yesterday.

This afternoon (Monday, Dec. 22) we went to the market where many Chinese people go to buy fresh meat, fish, and vegetables, to distribute flyers to invite them to the Christmas program and Family workshop, Most people were open to talk to us and took our flyers; but a few wouldn't even take the flyers. After we're done with our work, we had lunch at 4pm. Today was probably the easiest day so far on our schedule. We actually got to see a little bit of Madrid city center this afternoon. After lunch, we went to visit a couple of sisters from church, one of whom owns a restaurant, who treated us supper. We came home before 10pm - first night since we got here when we're home at 10 :-)

Tomorrow is our first day of scheduled sightseeing day. Hooray!

Betty Mei

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Day 5 - Saturday's Update

It's almost 1am on Sunday. We came home this evening close to midnight again. I stayed home this morning to prepare for my workshop on Family. The pastor, Becky and Emily went grocery shopping again. Pastor Cheng met with the men's group this afternoon at three at church; and I did my workshop on Family from 5:30-7:00 pm. Thirty people were in attendance for my workshop. Rev. Young came home and reported that to Lorraine and they said that was very good attendance. I talked to a few people afterwards and the feedback on the workshop was positive. Next Sat. I'm going to give another workshop on Raising Children.After the workshop, we were invited to have supper with a church family and had good fellowship with them.

Emily and Lorraine went to the first youth group meeting hosted at a church member's home at the same time when the adults were meeting at church this afternoon. The meeting went well. Again, Lorraine had good report on Emily's sharing and their meeting. Emily will again lead the youth group meeting on Sunday before worship.

Saturday was the first day when we met many brothers and sisters of the Madrid Chinese Church. They come from different backgrounds and places. There are a lot of things to pray for. The Young's ministries here are challenging. Praise the Lord we have a chance to come and understand their work here; and now we know how to pray for them.

Betty Mei

Day 4 - More Works over the Weekend

Remember we came home last night or should I say this morning at 12:30am after a few visitations during the afternoon and supper at 10:30pm. In the States, we would have been getting ready for bed at 10:30 but we were just having supper last night at that time. That's really not unusual in Spain. Becky and I got up early this morning because we had to meet with a few women at 10am to help kick start a women's fellowship group. After the meeting, I came back to the apt. by myself 'cause I really needed time to myself to prepare for tomorrow's workshop. Aren't you proud of me? I know very little Spanish; and only in three days, I could ride the subway and made my way back to the Young's apt. by myself :-) Lorraine, Becky and Pastor Cheng went on to do a few more visitations this afternoon. The other reason why I wanted to come home in the afternoon was because Emily was home by herself. Pastor Young had to go pick up the girls from school this afternoon. Emily and I fixed lunch by ourselves. No kidding!

Please continue to pray for the Family workshop which I will conduct this Sat. and next Sat., and our Sunday worship services. I have to lead worship on Sundays and Pastor Cheng will preach the sermons. Emily will be sharing with the youth group on Sat. evening also. Please pray for her that God will give her strength and wisdom to know what to share and that she'll have a good time fellowshipping with the youth members here.

Betty Mei

Pictures Updates 1

STM members leaving Morgantown on Dec. 15

Presenting love gifts to the Young's at arrival

Small world - a Ph.D. student in Madrid whose wife's college professor was Victor Chow's student

Distributing flyers on the streets

Visiting with a store owner

Inviting people to the Christmas program at a local restaurant

Mrs. Luo saying the sinner's prayer

Day 3 - First Fruit

We just came back home at 12:30am after an almost all-day visitation program. I should be going to bed but must send you an update because we have good news to share. We left this afternoon after a simple lunch from the Young's apt. We began visiting store owners again just like yesterday with Rev. Young as our escort. After two long visits, Rev. Young and his wife Lorraine switched duties. Lorraine took us in her car to visit a third family who lived some way out from Madrid; and Rev. Young went home to take care of the girls. We went to visit this last family with two other couples from church. They're Cantonese-speaking couples who had lived in Panama for a long time but moved to Spain for good. One of the couples have been ministering to this family, Mr. and Mrs. Luo, whom we visited this evening. Our pastor spent a lot of time in the Luo's home speaking to the husband trying to share the gospel with him. Mr. Luo liked what he heard from Pastor Cheng but was not ready to make a decision to accept Christ. So we were going to say a prayer for them and leave. As Pastor Cheng began to pray, Mrs. Luo said she wanted to accept Jesus into her heart. What a surprise to all of us! Lorraine then led Mrs. Luo to say the sinner's prayer and we all rejoiced with her. What's even more amazing was after Mrs. Luo said the prayer, she asked Lorraine if she should take down a portrait of 'Guan Yin' on their wall. We told her she should, and then she told us she had booklets of buddhist readings and asked if she should get rid of them too. So we did all that immediately. We were just amazed at her simple faith and willingness to forsake old idols. Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow morning Becky and I will meet with several ladies to help them kick start a women's fellowship group. After that, we should be home for the afternoon to rest and also for me to prepare for my Saturday workshop. Please continue to pray. As expected, there are crops ready to be harvested here. There's certainly a reason why God brought us here. Praise the Lord!

Betty Mei

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Day 2 - Adjustment

It's almost 1am here on Thurs. We came back from the cell group bible study at around midnight. We discussed tomorrow's plan and also plans for Sunday and the Christmas program. I just took a shower and am getting ready to have my personal devotion before I go to bed.

This journal keeping actually helps instead of burdening us because we can unload daily what we have done instead of us trying to remember everything so that we could share when we've returned to you. This evening I heard Lorraine said that they had problems with the internet; I'm lucky to be connected to you right now. But you're right, our work here is tiring because of the tight schedule; but most of all because of the adjustment to the schedule in Spain. Their culture and lifestyle is totally different than ours in the States. In Morgantown, at 9:30pm we would be done with our bible-study, but they're just starting; etc. etc.

Tomorrow afternoon we plan to do more visitation; but I've asked for time to myself so that I could prepare for the Saturday seminar. The pastors and Becky will probably go grocery shopping in the morning, which I could be excused and have a little time to myself.

I'll be in touch tomorrow.

Betty Mei

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Day 2 - First Encounter

This morning after simple breakfast, we went out for visitation. Rev. Young and Lorraine took us to visit different brothers and sisters from their church who own stores and restaurants. We not only visited, shared and encouraged them, but whenever we saw Chinese people, whether on the streets, in the subway stations, or in restaurants, we went up and invited them to come to church for the Christmas program. Rev. Young made a flyer for us to distribute and it was a good tool for us to start having conversations with these strangers. Interestingly, we met a doctoral student from Taiwan in the restaurant at lunch time; we went up and talked to him and found out that his wife's college professor was Victor Chow's student at WVU. Isn't the world small?

We had dinner at 8pm just now; but we're leaving now for a 9 or 9:30pm cell group meeting now. Emily will be staying here with Lorraine and the girls(ages 10 and 7). I got to leave now.

Betty Mei

Day 1 - The Real Works Begin Tomorrow

Meal time is really different here. We had breakfast at noon Madrid time today; and then had l lunch at around 6pm, which is really our dinner time in the States. They were supposed to dinner later this evening but since we had lunch so late in the evening, and we're all so tired, we skipped dinner this evening. I slept very little on the plane coming here and was quite sleepy during the day today, our first day in Madrid. However, I resisted taking a nap in the afternoon fearing that I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. I'm getting ready to turn in now; it's about 10:30pm here.

Tomorrow we'll begin our visitation work. The audience here is different than the audience in North America in that they are mostly business people, restaurant owners and workers. I have to conduct a seminar on Family on Sat. and am praying that God will give me wisdom to speak to the audience here so that whatever that is shared through the seminar will be beneficial to them. Originally I planned to be with Emily as she shares with the youth group; however, we just found out that the seminar on Family will conflict with the youth group meeting time. So please pray for Emily too that God will use her sharing to encourage young hearts here. Also, as posted, we'll help the Young's with starting a women's group and a men's group. Of course, Becky and me will help with the women's group and Pastor Cheng will help with the men's group. Today was our day of rest and briefing. Tomorrow we begin the real work. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will empower us to do His work.

Betty Mei

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day 1 - Arrival

We arrived safely at Madrid this morning your time 4:10am. Rev. Young, his wife and one brother from their church took 2 cars to pick us up. Our travel went relatively smooth except for a delay in take off and landing from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. Because of that, we had to rush our supper in order to catch the plane to Madrid. I think our pastor must have broken the record in consuming supper :-) He probably finished his meal (Chinese fast food picked up at the airport) in less than 5 minutes.

Anyhow, praise God for the smooth and safe travel. Pastor and Mrs. Miller met us at the parking lot at the English church to send us off and prayed for our trip, team members and families.

After arriving at Rev. Young's apt., we were treated breakfast at noon Spain time, 6am U.S. time. There are three bedrooms in his apt. The Young's are going to stay in one bedroom; Becky and Emily in another, and I take the last bedroom. Pastor Cheng is going to sleep in the living room. There are two bathrooms for eight people to share for the coming two weeks.

After breakfast, Rev. Young and his wife Lorraine updated us with the plans for the coming two weeks. We have a better understanding of what we're expected to do, basically teaching and discipling. Please pray that God will give us wisdom to complete these tasks.

That's all the updates for now. Pictures will be up next.

Betty Mei

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Why I participate in This Short Term Missions Trip

Growing up in a small town with a good environment has always been a blessing for me. I am very thankful that God has given me a great family and a comfortable home. All throughout life, I feel as though God has provided me so much and it is only my duty to give back. Since I grew up in a Christian family, I was lucky to have found Christ at an early age. I became a born again Christian through a lot of guidance and encouragement. Many people are not as lucky as me and may have never heard of Jesus, our savior. As a child of God, I want to become his tool to reach out to others and spread the gospel. I believe that going to Madrid will open my eyes to a different world and allow me to mature as a Christian. Sure, there are many obstacles that may bring doubt and prevent me from going, but I truly believe, with great faith, that God will open a clear path for me and guide me on this trip.

Emily Chow


教會自前年以“宣教小豬” 成立 “宣教基金” 至今年確定了 “西班牙短宣” 之行,我將 “西班牙短宣之行” 放在我的禱告裡,但 “去” 與 “不去” 卻在我的內心起了大大的爭戰…

“去”,是 神給我們的大使命,馬太福音28:19“所以,你們要去,使萬民作我的門徒…” 馬可福音 16:15“你們往普天下去, 傳福音給萬民聽”。神不願一人沉倫, 要萬人得救…

我明白 神的心意, 我理當要 “去”。但同時我又為自己找了許多理由 “不去”:1. 這是教會的第一次短宣, 也是我的第一次…, 我膽怯… 不知前面的道路將如何?神用 “信心之父” 亞伯拉罕的例子,堅定我的信心。2. 我是微小無能, 拙口笨舌的人,我能做什麼呢?神以回答摩西的話對我說 :“我必與你同在”。3. 我還是不順服,我像約拿一樣的逃跑,神卻安排一條大魚吞了約拿,使約拿在魚腹中三日三夜… 認罪,再次的回到 神的面前承認 神的主權與作為,魚就把約拿吐在旱地。這時, 詩篇139:7 “我往哪裡去躲 避你的靈?我往哪裡逃,躲避你的面?”在我的腦海裡浮現…

神又藉著姊妹會這季所查的 “不再一樣”讓我更深的認識 神…

神若讓自己的子民知道祂要做什麼,這事必定成就,因為祂必親自成全,而我們只是神的器皿與 神同工。

就這樣 神的話,字字句句深深的扎入我的內心,使我不得不俯伏在 神的面前說:“ 主啊!我願意!”願主是我們日間的雲柱,夜間的火柱,一路引領,好叫我們所說的是在主的旨意裡,所行的是在主的光中,榮耀主名, 阿們!


Friday, December 12, 2008








Tuesday, December 9, 2008

短宣隊差遣禮 (2008/12/7主日)



Prayer Letter from the Youngs

John & Lorraine Young
Missionaries to Spain November, 2008

Dear Friends & Prayer Partners,

On this eve of Thanksgiving…

We can’t express how grateful we are for His calling us to Spain to serve the Chinese communities, and how you have made it possible through faithful prayer support and generous financial giving to the Great Commission Fund. Thank you so very much!

We are thankful for this little church that He is building. It is home to some 70 adults and children gathering on Sundays. Also the one we now call home. Folks from different regions of China are learning to get along even as they try to get a handle on the meaning of following Christ, to be called out of this world yet living as His holy witnesses in the world!

While we have been without internet over the last couple of months after moving to a new apartment, in this extreme state of “alone-ness” without daily internet-fix (exaggeration, yes! but not too far from reality), the Lord has nevertheless revitalized our outlook on the ministry here.

We came back after a year of home assignment, all rested up and recharged, ready to go, carrying with us lots of plans and ideas to “bring this church up one notch.” Soon we realized that God’s calling, foremost of all, is to bid us to come and die with Him. We were reminded that we must face the most fundamental yet nowadays oft-neglected truth of “being crucified with Christ on the cross” (Gal. 2:20).

So on this eve of Thanksgiving, we are most grateful for this gentle forcefulness and steadfast reminding from the Lord, because He counts us worthy and graciously includes us in on His work here. …..And, of course, we are also glad that we’ve got our internet connection back!

They Stuck Around

MI is a young man who was born in Hong Kong and grew up in Spain, married a local gal, had a son. Then his marriage fell apart. He came when he didn’t know where else to turn. Although he became a believer and was baptized, he was always on the fringe because he could not fit in with the predominantly Mandarin-speaking church. We had a hard time linguistically as well as time-wise to minister to him effectively. Frankly, he was not high on our priority list.

AW is another young man. He was raised in Guangzhou, spent a few years in Panama, then came to Spain. Always somewhat moody with a rebellious streak, he was also on the fringe. In spite of his profession as a believer, his lifestyle often betrayed that. Once again, we were challenged to minister to him. Frankly, neither was he high on our priority list. When we left for home assignment last year, we were afraid that they’d eventually drop out of the scene. (Or, was it that we had basically written them off?)

Yet, God is much more faithful than we are. He somehow kept them tethered. And they hung around even without us being there, without anyone really making effort to reach out to them. We were so encouraged to see them upon return (albeit still somewhat on the fringe). In confession of our own lack of faith, we’ve made a commitment to seek ways to penetrate their lives and minister to them, because after all, God brought them in and they’ve stuck around!

December Challenge

Spain is in the throes of a severe economic depression. And it’s poised to get worse. Experts forecast the national unemployment to exceed well over 3 million by mid-2009. For the Chinese folks who are mostly shop owners, they’ve barely survived up to now, and are all counting on December to lend them a little more breathing room. Thus the pressure to keep their shops open on Sundays would be greater than ever. Yet, the chance for God to show forth His glory is also greater than ever. Our prayer is that the people would be bold enough to trust Him to go to bat for them, so that His glory would truly shine all around during Christmas.

We are delighted that a STM team from Morgantown (WV) CAC is coming to minister alongside us. Between their visit and the special programs various cell groups are putting together for the special Christmas Day celebration, groundwork would be laid to launch various vital works for the upcoming year. Among them are the youth ministry, women’s discipleship group, and men’s mentoring group. It looks like a busy couple of months ahead!

Some prayer requests:
  1. For the travel and ministry of the Short Term Missions team from Morgantown Chinese Alliance Church: that they would fire up the believers here and encourage many to follow the Lord in a most trying time.
  2. For the launching of the youth ministry: for Nancy who’s been tapped to be the leader; and for Gordon and Kathy Munro, our missionary colleagues, who are so gracious to lead us in the work.
  3. For our wisdom to select suitable candidates for discipleship training and mentoring groups.

Our hearts are thankful for your friendships, encouragements and prayers!

For the glory of Jesus in Spain,

John, Lorraine, Sarah & Abby

Tentative Schedule for Ministries in Madrird, Spain

  1. Sunday worship: Pastor Cheng will handle the messages, and the STM team to take care of the praise and worship.
  2. To teach in women's meetings and men's meetings.
  3. Saturday afternoon seminars on Family.
  4. Youth meeting for Emily to give testimony and encouragement.
  5. Visitation.

Please pray for the STM team, their preparation, and ministries in Madrid!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


時間:2008/12/15 ~ 2008/12/31
這一次我們將會到馬德里支持在那裡宣教的楊牧師 John & Lorraine Young。

